Hey everyone...The first horror story that I ever tried to write (years ago) has finally seen publication in the newest issue of Schlock! Webzine from the U.K. My story is titled "Lost and Found" and it is fitting that it is seeing the light of day in a publication called Schlock! It is not my best story and seems pretty derivative of Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos without anything too unique about it. It's the kind of filler story that you would have seen in a pulp magazine of the 1930s or 1940s. Do I seem like I am being hard on my story? Yes, I am, but there are some twists that I think are redeeming...The ancient book that I mention in the story is real and the way in which they are able to stop the monster is unique. I have never read of anyone using the technique that I employed. Oh well...read it if you must. The guys at Schlock! are very cool and deserve much praise, especially Gavin Chappell, for all their efforts to give a new writer an outlet and put forth so much material on such a frequent basis.
Read "Lost and Found" for FREE here:
Or purchase the Kindle edition here on Amazon:
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
San Diego Comic-Con 2014
I can't believe it! One of my stories is making its debut this year in a brand new science-fiction magazine titled AGE OF ANDROIDS at the San Diego Comic-Con, which starts today! This is the first issue of the new slick magazine and the publishers are giving away 5,000 free copies to attendees of the convention. For now, you can only get one if you attend the convention, but their website says that copies may be available through them directly in the near future:
Here is what the cover looks like for the first issue (my story "Intellectual Property" is listed on the cover!):
Here is a retro-style art piece that goes with my story:
I am very excited to again have an artistic presence at this years San Diego Comic-Con. I have attended sporadically since 1979, when the convention was all comic books and at a smaller location. I actually used to write and draw a comic strip for my college newspaper called "New Attitude" which enabled me to attend as an artist/writer during the late 1980s. I was also a guest speaker at the 1999 convention when I spoke about African-American images in comic books of the 1930s & 1940s. With how big and unwieldy the convention has gotten, I have rarely attended it in the 2000s. I hope that I may return next year...
Here is what the cover looks like for the first issue (my story "Intellectual Property" is listed on the cover!):
Here is a retro-style art piece that goes with my story:
I am very excited to again have an artistic presence at this years San Diego Comic-Con. I have attended sporadically since 1979, when the convention was all comic books and at a smaller location. I actually used to write and draw a comic strip for my college newspaper called "New Attitude" which enabled me to attend as an artist/writer during the late 1980s. I was also a guest speaker at the 1999 convention when I spoke about African-American images in comic books of the 1930s & 1940s. With how big and unwieldy the convention has gotten, I have rarely attended it in the 2000s. I hope that I may return next year...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Pulpateers...Out Now!
New horror anthology out now! THE PULPATEERS is the third anthology produced by internationally notorious Schlock! Webzine. This time contributors were required to pen old-style pulp stories based on the formula developed by Lester Dent, schlock-supremo of the 20s and 30s, creator of Doc Savage and other precursors to enduring pulp heroes such as Superman. I contributed one short story to this newest anthology from Schlock! Here is the e-mail that I received today from Schlock!:
Hi everyone
The Pulpateers is now available as a paperback, available from:
Kind regards, and thank you for your contributions.
Gavin Chappell ______________________________________________
The link appears to be up for the eBook right now, but the paperback version should also be up soon!
Hi everyone
The Pulpateers is now available as a paperback, available from:
Kind regards, and thank you for your contributions.
Gavin Chappell ______________________________________________
The link appears to be up for the eBook right now, but the paperback version should also be up soon!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
I Write Like...
So I checked out this website that I found on the Horror Writer's blog...It supposedly can analyze your writing and tell you which author is the closest match to you out of 51 famous authors. My writing was analyzed as:
I came up as GEORGE ORWELL for "The Horror at Engle Farm," but I did it again with a newer story I wrote entitled "Snapshots of Hell" and got this:
This may be a bit lame as it is only limited to the writing styles of 51 famos authors. You can check out this analytical engine yourself here:
I came up as GEORGE ORWELL for "The Horror at Engle Farm," but I did it again with a newer story I wrote entitled "Snapshots of Hell" and got this:
This may be a bit lame as it is only limited to the writing styles of 51 famos authors. You can check out this analytical engine yourself here:
Friday, July 12, 2013
Free Story Up Now!
I have a short nonfiction piece entitled "HDHC" that is up now at FIVE 2 ONE webzine. I try to be a diverse writer. I have written nonfiction music and culture related articles for newspapers and magazines since the 1980's. Lately I have been writing crime/noir and horror fiction (and even one science-fiction story!), but this piece is a nonfiction memoir-type piece. I think it's important to reflect on where you came from in order to see your personal growth to where you are at now in life. This piece was me over 20 years ago...
Me in 1985!
FREE nonfiction piece can be read here:
Me in 1985!
FREE nonfiction piece can be read here:
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Upcoming Tales...
Hello all! I just thought I'd share some more covers from anthologies, that will soon be out, with my stories in them. The first one has a misleading title INDIANA CRIME 2013 from James Ward Kirk Fiction. Even though this anthology is being created by a publisher from Indiana, the press is taking stories from anyone, anywhere. They recently said that they are just waiting on two more stories that are almost finished and they should print this book by end of this August. This anthology features a crime/noir story that I wrote "The Twilight of Men's Lives." A dirty little tale with a gun-for-hire as the protagonist. Everyone dies in the end...'nuff said:
The next anthology I am being told is filling up fast and may be out soon as well. It is titled SERIAL KILLERS: TRES TRIA also by James Ward Kirk Fiction. As I am not a big fan of serial killer stories, I had to work hard at writing something for this book. Based on some realities in my life, I wrote a story titled "Killer of Little Souls." I won't say anything about this short story except that it follows my modus operandi of a surprise ending.
Okay...I have a lot more stuff getting ready to come out like some of the anthologies that I shared a few posts ago so I won't rehash those. Instead, I want to mention that Schlock! Webzine is posting one of my stories in their online FREE webzine. My story "Lost and Found" is supposed to be posted for the July 21st edition of the webzine. I must tell you now that this story was the first horror story that I ever attempted and it is not very good. It follows too many classic patterns and reeks of a bad Lovecraft knock-off from a hack writer, but I figure that a webzine called Schlock! may be the best zine to place it in. What the heck.
On another Schlock! note, they tell me that THE PULPATEERS will be out soon as well! This is a print anthology that also features one of my earlier stories. More info when I get it. Cheers, Greg
The next anthology I am being told is filling up fast and may be out soon as well. It is titled SERIAL KILLERS: TRES TRIA also by James Ward Kirk Fiction. As I am not a big fan of serial killer stories, I had to work hard at writing something for this book. Based on some realities in my life, I wrote a story titled "Killer of Little Souls." I won't say anything about this short story except that it follows my modus operandi of a surprise ending.
Okay...I have a lot more stuff getting ready to come out like some of the anthologies that I shared a few posts ago so I won't rehash those. Instead, I want to mention that Schlock! Webzine is posting one of my stories in their online FREE webzine. My story "Lost and Found" is supposed to be posted for the July 21st edition of the webzine. I must tell you now that this story was the first horror story that I ever attempted and it is not very good. It follows too many classic patterns and reeks of a bad Lovecraft knock-off from a hack writer, but I figure that a webzine called Schlock! may be the best zine to place it in. What the heck.
On another Schlock! note, they tell me that THE PULPATEERS will be out soon as well! This is a print anthology that also features one of my earlier stories. More info when I get it. Cheers, Greg
Sunday, July 7, 2013
BARNYARD HORROR anthology out now!
Hey gang! The BARNYARD HORROR anthology by James Ward Kirk Fiction is now available in paperback form! eBook version coming soon. You can purchase the book at a currently discounted rate of $10.52 for 210 pages of great horror from many up and coming horror writers of today. Get it here if you are in the United States:
Or here if you are in the U.K.:
My Editor's Choice Award winning story "The Horror at Engle Farm" is included as well as a flash fiction piece entitled "The Blue-Eyed Deal."
Don't wait! Get your summer reading now!
Or here if you are in the U.K.:
My Editor's Choice Award winning story "The Horror at Engle Farm" is included as well as a flash fiction piece entitled "The Blue-Eyed Deal."
Don't wait! Get your summer reading now!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I won the Editor's Choice Award!
I am very pleased to share this facebook post that I received today:
"The Editor's Choice awards for Barnyard Horror go to Greg McWhorter for fiction and L. A. Spooner for interior art. Congratulations! "Editor's Choice Award" will appear under the title of your work." from James Ward Kirk Fiction
My story "The Horror at Engle Farm" will soon be published in the Barnyard Horror anthology that will be available for purchase at Amazon. I believe that it will be available as both a physical book and an ebook. It is supposed to start selling some time this month.
Check here for updates: www.jwkfiction.com
"The Editor's Choice awards for Barnyard Horror go to Greg McWhorter for fiction and L. A. Spooner for interior art. Congratulations! "Editor's Choice Award" will appear under the title of your work." from James Ward Kirk Fiction
My story "The Horror at Engle Farm" will soon be published in the Barnyard Horror anthology that will be available for purchase at Amazon. I believe that it will be available as both a physical book and an ebook. It is supposed to start selling some time this month.
Check here for updates: www.jwkfiction.com
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